Evidence Based Trainings

Motivational Interviewing (MI) is a goal-oriented, client-centered counseling style for eliciting behavior change by helping clients to explore and resolve ambivalence. MI recognizes and accepts the fact that clients who need to make changes in their lives approach counseling at different levels of readiness to change their behavior. During MI training you will acquire interaction skills and the ability to use these skills strategically. MI is non-judgmental, non-confrontational and non-adversarial. The strategy seeks to help clients think differently about their behavior and ultimately to consider what might be gained through change. The main goals of MI are to engage clients, elicit change talk, and evoke motivation to make positive changes from the client.

Strength Based Case Management (SBCM) focuses on amplifying the well part of the client. The case manager helps the client identify personal skills, abilities, and assets through discussion; supports client decision-making so that the client sets treatment goals and determines how the goals will be met; encourages client participation in seeking informal sources of assistance; and works to resolve any client-identified barriers to treatment, such as lack of transportation, child care, and social support.

Gender Responsive Strategies (GRS) means creating an environment through site selection, staff selection, program development, content, and material that reflects an understanding of the realities of women’s lives and addresses the issues of the participants. GRS acknowledge the realities of women’s lives, including the pathways they travel to homelessness, addiction and crime, and the relationships that shape their lives. Gender-responsive approaches are multidimensional and are based on theoretical perspectives that acknowledge the differences between programs and services for women vs. men. These approaches address social (e.g., poverty, race, class, and gender inequality) and cultural factors, as well as therapeutic interventions.

Seeking Safety (SS) teaches the techniques and information to help trauma survivors master the skills needed to reestablish basic physical and emotional safety, can help anyone in need of stabilization after a trauma has occurred and to improve coping skills. SS is an evidence-based, present-focused counseling model to help people attain safety from trauma and/or substance abuse. It directly addresses both trauma and addiction, but without requiring clients to delve into the trauma narrative (the detailed account of disturbing trauma memories), thus making it relevant to a very broad range of clients and easy to implement.

Other Trainings

Non-Profit Capacity Building – Are you ready to take your Non-Profit to the next level? Funding sustainability, program development/design, Developing proposals/grants, creating fee for service projects, how to market your agency, how to effectively
communicate with funders/donors/clients, how to do business with the government and much more…

Grant Writing – Generating your idea, finding funding, developing your proposal, submitting your proposal, award negotiation & set-up, managing your award and closing out your project.

Taking the Fear out of Finance – How to create accurate “financials” as requested by your funders. Never fear Profit & Loss Statement, Balance Sheet, Quick Books, Budgets and Audits ever again!

Gallup Strength Based Staff Development – Identifying and working to maximize your staff’s strengths. Grouping your staff’s strengths for optimum team performance. Developing your staff to take your organization from good to great!

Other Services

Consulting – How to structure and grow your non-profit. Opinion, advice, counsel and to deliberation sessions to help you achieve your non-profit goals. Provided by our Founder/Executive Director, Kim Carter.

Webinars – Specifically designed to meet your company’s schedule and needs.

On Line Courses – Coming soon!

Supplemental Training Resources

Supplemental Training Resources – Did you know that we can provide educational seminars for your clients? Our topics include (but are not limited to):

  • Family Resilience
  • Life Skills
  • Community Navigation
  • Orientation
  • Financial Education & Money Management
  • Civic Engagement
  • The Power in You
  • Voter Education – Know Your Rights
  • Holiday Safety

Advocating for Change Training Series – A hands-on, four-module training series designed to help advocates develop skills to engage and best support policy change efforts.

  • Module 1 – Fundamentals of Advocacy Strategies
  • Module 2 – Power & Process (Places & Faces)
  • Module 3 – Lobbying vs. Advocacy
  • Module 4 – Advocacy Evaluation

It’s Your Life 1 (Lessons in Financial Education) – A course that prepares students to learn how to manage their finances in a difficult economy.

It’s Your Life 2 (Lessons in Freedom Education) – A course designed to empower formerly incarcerated individuals with the skills and tools required to make a successful transition back into society.

Help us Spread HOPE

Time for Change Foundation can only exist because of the support from people just like you. With your involvement, we can continue to empower disenfranchised low income individuals and families through evidence-based programs and housing locations creating self-sufficiency and thriving communities. It’s not the time for giving up, but the time for positive change! See how you can get involved today.


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