To apply for the Phoenix Square Housing at Time for Change Foundation please use this form and we will be in touch shortly. Personal Information First Name * Mid. Int. * Last Name * Email * Address * City & State * Zip * Home Number * Alter. Number * Date of Birth * SSN * Current Occupancy Dates of Current Occupancy * Monthly Rent * Do youRentOwnRent but not in my nameOther Landlord of Management Name * Home Number * Address * City & State * Zip * Former Address (Within 2 years) Address * City & State * Zip * Did youRentOwnRent but not in my nameOther Landlord of Management Name * Home Number * Employment: (Proof May Be Required) Employer * Address * Phone Number * Occupation * Hire Date * Weekly Gross Salary * Additional Employment (Other or Current Job Less Than 1 Year) Employer * Address * Phone Number * Occupation * Hire Date * Weekly Gross Salary * Other Income (alimony, investment, etc) * Amount (per month) * Auto (Make/Year) * Plate # * State * Students Only School Name * Address * Program * Graduation DateGradUnder GradFull-TimePart Time Can you have a co-signer?YesNo Address & Unit Applied For Address * Apt # * City & State * Apt Size * # Occupants * # Adults * # Minors * Move In Date * Rent Begins * Lease Term (months) * Dates From * Monthly Rent * Pre-Paid Rent * Security Deposit * Deposit Rec'd * Reference (Preferably Local) Name * Address * Phone Number * Name * Address * Phone Number * Emergency Contact (if different from above) Name * Address * Phone Number * Have you declared bankruptcy in the past seven (7) years? YesNo Have you ever been evicted from a rental residence? YesNo Have you had two or more late rental payments in the past year? YesNo Have you ever willfully or intentionally refused to pay rent? YesNo How did you hear about us? * —Please choose an option— Newspaper Friend's Referral Telephone Directory Internet Sign at Apartment Other The above information, to the best of my knowledge, is true and correct.