Early Christmas Gifts
12-21-2011 | Photos taken in our “Sweet Dreams” and “Mt. View” facilities.
We were blessed with some early Christmas gifts by Glauce, a woman with a love and passion for the homeless women and children that are at Time for Change Foundation. Arriving at Sweet Dreams around 5:30pm, we helped Glauce unload what appeared to be over 50+ gifts! As the children ran to the door, they noticed the pile of gifts that were being brought in, “Are they ours?” asked Anaiya. “Yes! They are everybody!” replied Glauce.
Once the presents were all stacked up by the Christmas tree, we learned that each child had 4 presents a piece, plus an additional present for both the mothers and our other clients. Glauce was kind enough to let each one of the women and children open an early Christmas gift. Anaiya was so excited about her present, “Mommy! This is what I’ve wanted all year!” she said.