Our Spring Newsletter: Forged in Crisis COVID-19 Edition
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Forged in Crisis
COVID-19 Edition
We Call it Home, Others Call it Hope
In this Issue:
- Thankful
- Care in Quarantine
- Reunited
- Moving Forward Together
- The Yap Family
- The Scott Family
- The Fields Family
Our Mission
To empower disenfranchised low income individuals and families by building leadership through evidence-based programs and housing to create self-sufficiency and thriving communities.
Since I came to Time for Change Foundation (TFCF) in March 2019, they have guided me through the good times and the bad times. I never thought that the bad times would get this bad. I came here pregnant with 18-month-old twins in the child welfare system due to my drug habit. I was able to give birth to my son while in the Sweet Dreams shelter. I was so scared that I wouldn’t be able to keep him, but with the help of TFCF and their partnership with Root & Rebound I was able to keep my son. On December 20, 2019, I regained custody of my twins and in January my case with my youngest child was closed. I could not have done this without the help of Time for Change Foundation. Now, I am so thankful that I am in a home where my children and I can be safe. With the coronavirus crisis, TFCF has supported me with safety supplies, hygiene, extra food, love, and care during shelter in place. I was devastated when I was notified that both my grandparents and my aunt were infected with the coronavirus. I wanted to be there for them so bad but my case manager helped me weigh the pros and the cons. Who would be there for my children if I went to see them and then got sick? After careful consideration, I decided to stay in line with the sheltering in place so that I can keep my children safe. My case manager called and checked on us daily letting me know I’m not alone. TFCF makes sure that my children’s and my needs are both met. They also go out of their way to make sure we are safe and secure and that we are valued the most. Thank you, Time for Change Foundation!
Care In Quarantine – Bobby’s Story
During this quarantine, I have had more care, concern, and support than I ever expected. I was in prison for 34 years, and I never thought that people who do not even know you would want to support you and want to help you to be successful, but TFCF does. Everyone who works at TFCF is very friendly, kind, and genuinely concerned about my well-being, mental health along with my physical health. Every day someone calls us here at the Mt. View shelter to see how we are doing. They do it to check to see if we need anything and that makes me feel incredibly cared for. Monday through Friday, we have groups online such as 12 Steps, Life Skills, Relapse Prevention, Woman’s Wellness, and Employment Development. Every Friday, we also have a house meeting to check in. No matter how I feel or what I am going through that day, they always seem to lift my spirits. Even though we are on quarantine, I thank God and Time for Change Foundation for a chance to become a better person and learn to live life on life’s terms. I feel stronger and more confident now because of the support from TFCF. By having them behind me, I know I will not fail. Today I am ready to reestablish myself in society and be a respectful and productive person. I’ve been here now for 4 months, and I feel like Alice in Wonderland when she fell down the hole to a beautiful place. Thank you, TFCF for supporting me and teaching me how to walk with integrity, abide by the law, and for helping me learn to make the right decisions!
Thank you to all of our Supporters during this COVID-19 Pandemic!
The novel Coronavirus pandemic has shifted many aspects of our everyday lives at home and work. We at Time for Change Foundation hope that you and your family are safe and well. Our thoughts are with all those affected by COVID-19. We would also like to express our sincerest gratitude for all of those who have donated to our COVID-19 Emergency Crisis Relief Fund. Because of your support we have been able to maintain all our staff and continue to provide excellent service to our clients. In Southern CA, 56 families received a total of $28,000 in emergency support. In the Bay Area, 27 families received a total of $13,000 in emergency support!