Gift of Love Christmas Party
Santa Clause, Mrs. Clause, Frosty the Snowman, and Rudolf?
Our clients had the privilege of enjoying an exciting day at this Christmas event dedicated to homeless women and children. Not only were they able to hang out and party with the police and sheriffs department (who hosted the event along with several other agencies), but they were also treated to a tour into the firetrucks, participate in loads of games, wall climbing, and even go-cart driving! What an amazing day!
The kids were able to decorate cookies with their mothers while the generous hosts made them a special five-star rated Christmas dinner feast! This event was truly filled with so much love and care.
To all who made this event possible, words cannot express how thankful we are for taking time out of your lives to put a smile on a mother and child’s face. You all went that extra mile to make sure this day was the most amazing day ever! We thank you so much for caring.